// initialisation, N = board size and #queens
for i=1 to N 
   u_hor[i]  = 0;  // clear horizontal rows
   u_up[i]   = 0; u_up[i+N] = 0;   // clear upwards diagonals
   u_down[i] = 0; u_down[i+N] = 0; // clear downwards diagonals
col = 1;
row = 0;
solutions = 0;

//=== main program =====

   Succes = False;
   {  // find the next row for this queen (=col)
      row = row + 1;
      If (row <= N) Then
          Succes = Not (u_hor[row] Or u_up[row + col] Or u_down[row - col + N]);
   Until Succes Or (row > N);
   If Succes Then
   {    // Good place has been found for this queen - now place it ...
      If col <= N Then
         u_hor[row] = True;        // occupy this row & diagonals
         u_up[row + col] = True;
         u_down[row - col + N] = True;
         queen[col] = row;         // store her position
         col = col + 1;  // go to the next column with a new queen
         row = 0;
         //CountMoveAndDraw();   print this position - if you like 
      If col > N Then
      {     // all queens are placed - we have a solution!!!
         solutions = solutions + 1;
         //DrawSolution();   print this solution - if you like 
         Succes = False; // continue by rejecting this queen

   If Not Succes Then
   {   // this queen is ready, has tried all rows - go back to the previous one
      col = col - 1;
      If col > 0 Then
         row = queen[col];
         u_hor[row] = False;  // clear the row and diagonals of this queen
         u_up[row + col] = False;
         u_down[row - col + N] = False;
Until (col < 1) ;
writeln(solutions + " solutions");
// Note: Not written in any specific programming language, mixture between Pascal and Java,
//       to make it readable for most people