Tenyo (c)

Beat the Computer puzzles by Tenyo are 8 different mathematic jigsaw puzzles for adults. Each piece of a puzzle is constructed of the same elements, so the puzzler remains insecure about reaching a solution until the last piece fits. All 'Beat THE COMPUTER' puzzles are built of coloured plastic. Upper and lower side of each piece can both be used, for asymetric pieces this means you can also use the mirror shape.

Most of these puzzles are regular polyominos.
No. 0 Irregular, contains two equal pieces
The only puzzle with round pieces!
No. 5 Pentomino (all 12 possible pieces out of 5 squares)
in a rectangle of 6 x 10 squares.
No. 6 Hexiamond (all 12 possible pieces out of 6 triangles)
in an onion-shape puzzle surface.
No. 8 Pentomino (all 12 possible pieces out of 5 squares)
in a 8 x 8 square surface with a hole in the centre.
No. 22 Pentahex (all 22 possible pieces out of 5 hexagons)
In two colours in a rhomb shape surface.
No. 24 Septiamond (all 24 possible pieces out of 7 triangles)
in a hexa-star shape surface. This is by far the hardest puzzle!
No. 600 Hexomino (all 35 pieces out of 6 squares)
in a nearly rectangular surface.
No. 783 Double Tetromino (All 5 pieces out of 4 squares occur twice)
If you have played computer game Tetris you are in advantage!

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I've written a few solver programs in Delphi for Windows:

Play most of these puzzles yourself